Visit of the LNG Terminal in Brunsbüttel, Germany

Our CTO Stefanie Engelhard had the pleasure of seeing it.
Together with the great woman entrepreneurs of the Verband deutscher Unternehmerinnen e.V. (VdU), she visited the port as well as the terminal.
A presentation by Mr. Frank Schnabel gave them deep insights into the realization phase of this temporary terminal.
It is a ship that converts liquid LNG into gaseous LNG and then feeds it into the german gas grid.
Stefanie was a bit surprised that this terminal would not be possible for hydrogen.
Stefanie’s important points:
Stefanie’s important points:
- A fixed terminal is indispensable, as only this can be used for hydrogen.
- The realization of the fixed terminal on land must also be accelerated.
- The ship is chartered by the Federal Republic of Germany and is incredibly expensive. Realizing the fixed terminal would save us a lot of money.