Vordenker 2021
Every year, the Handelsblatt and the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) honor young executives who have a formative influence on the future of German economy, politics and society.
We are proud to announce, that our CEO Lars Holger Engelhard was awarded the #Vordenker 2021 – best translated #MasterMind 2021 for his major achievements!
Vordenker 2021:
Kenza Ait Si Abbou, Julian Ambrozy, Sebastian Betz, Christopher Bieri, Juri Buchmüller, Nicole Büttner, Dr. Katrin Dribbisch, Lars Holger Engelhard, Philipp Fischer, Patrick Hennig, Nils Hoffmann, Daniel Jung, Katharina Juenger, Prof. Dr. Florian Klein, Dr. Anne Latz, Dr. med. Alice Martin, Igor Levit, Dr. Gesa Miczaika, Rouven Morato, Bastian Nominacher, Simon Reif, Christopher Reiners, Julia Römer, Sarna Röser, Saad Saeed, Arne Schaeufele, Mirko Sedlacek, Michael Siebers, Vanessa Stützle, Christophe Theys, Yannick Timmer, Philipp von der Wippel, Philipp Westermeyer!
#vision #vordenker #handelsblatt #bcg #award #macher #future #economy #society #award #awardwinner #awardsforexcellence #awards202